Dog Training | Tactical Operations | Security Handler Training | Private K9 Training
Dog Training | Tactical Operations | Security Handler Training | Private K9 Training
Welcome to the K9 INTERVENTION homepage, where every visitor is special.
You have landed on the exact right spot, and it is no coincidence. Because you have landed, we believe our mutual and common ground is dogs, and related matter, such as dog training in Cap Town. You are welcome to walk-about our website, and browse as much as you want. You may also leave a comment, or drop us an email should you have time.
We believe that we are unique, and truly a K9 intervention, as we are diverse in all aspects, and cater for a variety of perspectives, views and applications; ranging from the social and pet owner training & development, Private Security Sector dog supplies, specialist Dog Handler training, to the establishing of National and International Dog Units. Be inspired, because our brand has many things to offer. To become part of our brand, is to become part of our family. Join us for dog training in Cape Town.
Like you, we are inspired by dogs and its masters; whether pet, social or operational, we just never seem to stop being amazed. We have many video clips and footage that gets sent to us daily from people that want to share their relationship with their dog, ranging from the level of obedience, intelligence, its search-and-find ability, to attack and track ability.
We will always go the extra mile, and even more to get to know you, and the dogs you work with. Our philosophy is to get to know the owners and dogs we work with, learn as much as we can from them, and exchange as much information regarding dogs, and its applications as we can.
We believe that every dog has a purpose, and its master must just find it; Whether it to be companion, a watch-dog, a military or war dog, security patrol dog, police patrol or search-and-rescue dog; every dog has a purpose. Our job as humans remains to fulfil that in our dogs, and give it the best we can, so that our tears becomes our dog’s reward, the day they depart from us. Any dog-story is a good story.
At K9 INTERVENTION we will help you find that purpose, through discussions, training activities, or even attending one of our regular training workshops. We would like to partner with you. Send us your requirements. Our teams are in the business of solving problems, and making lifelong memories with our dogs. Our slogan, “Inspired by dogs”. Join us for dog training in Cape Town!
During training interventions, we will always try to achieve as much as possible training objectives with both you and your dog. The better you as the Handler become, the better your dog will become. As we are Trainers, we focus much on achieving training objectives, so medical and behavioural issues will always be referred to a qualified member on our team, or someone in the area nearest to where you are.
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